A group of young women aged 20-25 playing football

Monthly giving

Monthly Giving

Sport gives girls resilience, courage, self-belief and a sense of belonging. But all too often, girls are pushed to the sidelines and told sport isn’t for them – even as early as five years old.
It’s wrong to deny girls their rightful place in sport. Our charity is working to right these wrongs through vital research, influencing government and initiatives for change.
By becoming a monthly giver, you can help our charity to continue our work and achieve our vision of a world where no-one is excluded from the joy, fulfilment and lifelong benefits of sport.

In celebration of our 40th Anniversary year, every donation will be matched at no extra cost to you, until we reach our goal of £40,000.

*Fields with an asterisk are mandatory

Find out more

white woman boxing a punching bag

One-off donations

Women in Sport is a charity, and it is because of the generous support we receive from funders and donors that we are able to carry out our work.

Two black teenage girls playing rugby at school

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If finding innovative solutions is at the heart of your company or brand’s work, then you share a lot in common with our mission here at Women in Sport.