
Chasing the Olympic dream: Closing the dream deficit in sport


The 2024 Paris Olympic Games had a positive impact on girls and boys, with 8 in 10 saying the sports were exciting and it showed women’s sport was just as thrilling as men’s.

The equal visibility and celebration of women’s achievements has contributed to a significant rise in girls dreaming of reaching the top in sport this year. 38% of girls aged 13-24 now dream of reaching the top, compared to just 29% in 2023. Despite this increase, a substantial dream deficit remains, with 59% of boys dreaming of reaching the top of sport.

When girls see themselves reflected at the top of sport, they see they belong in sport and can dream of a future filled with the exhilaration, passion and most importantly, the joy sport can bring. 


  • 38 % of girls

    dream of reaching the top of sport compared to only 29% in 2023

  • 59 % of boys

    dream of reaching the top of sport, showing a significant gender gap

Encouragingly, the number of girls who now ‘love’ sport has risen by 13%, with those saying they love it ‘and take part lots’ rising from 19% in 2023 to 26%.

But there are still far fewer girls who love sport than boys and a much larger proportion of girls (40%) saying they do not take part regularly than boys (23%). For these girls, the rising visibility and success of female athletes has little impact on their dreams or participation.


Ethnicity is also a major factor in the dream rates of girls and boys, with a higher proportion of Black boys and girls dreaming of reaching the top.

The largest gender dream gap is between Asian girls (43%) and boys (69%). More Black and Asian girls also felt inspired by the Olympics but were more likely to agree that people think sport is ‘for boys and doesn’t matter for girls’.

  • 60 %

    of Black girls dream of reaching the top in sport, almost twice as many as White British girls

  • 26 % of girls

    say they ‘love sport and take part lots’, marking a rise of 7% since 2023

While the Olympics fostered pride and excitement, many girls still feel that girls are overlooked, and have less opportunities, respect, recognition and support than boys.

Girls are sending a clear message that they want to feel more valued in sport. This is not widely perceived by boys, who are more likely to think that sport is more equal for girls than it is.

Stay tuned for our next research into girls’ dream rates in sport, focussed on the 2024 Paris Paralympic Games, to be released early 2025.

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