22 % girls
fewer than boys play team sport in England
Sport England
860 ,000 girls
are missing out on the joy of team sport right now
Sport England
Did you know that there’s a staggering 22% gender gap in team sports?
Right now, in England, there are almost 860,000 fewer girls than boys participating in team sports. That’s more than the capacity of every Premier League Stadium combined.
As women’s football, rugby and netball begin to get the recognition and coverage they deserve, let’s not forget that still, there are 1.2 million fewer girls than boys playing football, and only 13% of teenage girls play netball.
This is an injustice we cannot ignore. It really matters. Girls’ teamsport is not a “nice to have”. Sport is a vital means of combatting the rising tide of mental ill-health plaguing young girls. It builds skills for life. And we are denying our girls’ that opportunity.
It’s about time we took action to close the gap, but we can’t do it without you.
By donating £5 a month, you can be a champion for change. Your donation can help us to highlight this gender gap and provide the solutions to help girls thrive in team sport.
Teamsport is about joint endeavour and building trust with others. It is joyful as well as skilful. When played with freedom teamsport builds resilience, courage, self-belief, mental and physical strength, and a sense of belonging. It can also equip girls with the skills to be the leaders of tomorrow.
We know some women don’t have positive associations with the word sport. This is hardly surprising given the experiences many had at school where girls were not really valued for playing sport, and yet were forced to play in revealing and uncomfortable clothes, often surrounded by negative feedback. All of this was profoundly wrong. We don’t want any more girls to go through this.
We want sport to feel and be different for future generations of girls. Because girls do belong in sport. And at its essence sport is about joy and freedom.
We believe that every girl should have the opportunity to experience the transformative power of sport. Are you with us?
By setting up a monthly donation – for as little as £5 per month – you can help support our charity’s work to challenge inequality and inspire change in sport and society based on our vital research into the needs and aspirations of girls.
Together, we can create a world where every girl has the chance to shine on the field, court, or pitch – free from expectation or judgement.