A group of young girls playing football

Research FAQs

We are continuously researching and gaining new insights into sport through the eyes of women and girls across a range of communities, ages, life stages and backgrounds. We do this in order to support organisations to improve their offer to women and girls.

In this section you can find out more about our research, practical advice within our toolkits or contact the team to discuss how we can work with you.


We want to share our knowledge, experience and advice to empower women and girls through sport. Our Support and Advice Service is a platform to help you to access, understand and apply our research. You can access our insight through the following methods:

  • Be inspired by our research and insight for free. We have over three decades of experience in understanding women and girls which we combine with other sources to give you all you need to know.
  • Listen to our podcast, which brings together experts from the sport sector and beyond to speak about important issues, highlight great ideas, and empower women and girls.
  • Get in touch – send a message to our team if you’d like to talk about putting out insight into practice or get some general advice. Whether you’re a club, sports body, corporate or brand we can help you to think differently about women and girls and we have some practical tools and tips to help get you started.
  • Join a webinar! Keep an eye on our announcements to sign up to the next webinar. Our webinars provide an in-depth look at Women in Sport research, with guest speakers and key recommendations to engage women and girls in sport.

We have a wealth of research and insight which explores women and girls’ relationships with sport; their unique values and motivations. Our research and insight includes practical solutions to help you overcome any challenges or barriers you are facing in engaging women and girls in sport. Our key research includes:

Contact us and tell us more about your plans and vision. We have a range of ways that we can provide tailored (paid for) support to clubs wanting to engage more women and girls.

We suggest you make contact with the Head Teacher to understand their reasoning. You can access our research and insight to better understand the barriers some girls face in playing sport as well as practical solutions to help you overcome challenges.

Please contact us with details of your event and expert speaker/panellist requirements. Please note we are a small charity with finite staff resources and will usually charge for speaker/panellist requests.

We are a research charity not a grant giving organisation. Below are details of some organisations who offer financial support and might be able to help.

For clubs:

Club Matters have useful information on how to generate income for clubs.

Sport England’s funding page is a useful hub for different types of grants.

Find your local Active Partnership via the Active Partnerships Network.

For athletes:

Sports Aid or the relevant National Governing Body may be able to help you.

You can access our wealth of research and insight for free to help you shape your study. Please do share your research with us when it’s complete.